Phone: 603-778-0885
Fax: 603-778-9183


2019-11-11 - 2019 TIP Amendment #2 Proposed

30 Day comment period begins 11/11/19

A 30-day public comment period for Amendment 2 to the 2019 TIP begins Monday, November 11, 2019 and concludes on Tuesday, December 10, 2019. A public hearing to consider the changes and any received comments is scheduled for Wednesday December 11, 2019, beginning at 4:30 PM at the RPC Offices (156 Water Street, Exeter). The Planning Commission Executive Committee will met after the public hearing and adopted the changes to the TIP. Amendment #2 considers changes to six regional projects and three statewide projects and programs. Full details are found on the TIP Amendments page of the website that is linked below.2019 TIP Amendment #2 Details

[Public Notices][Transportation]

2019-11-07 - RPC Seeks Part Time Regional Planner

The Rockingham Planning Commission (RPC) is seeking a part time Regional Planner to join its tightly-knit, award-winning team. The RPC region is a vibrant landscape of rural, suburban and urban communities located in southeast New Hampshire just an hour north of Boston, minutes to the New Hampshire beaches and a short trip to the White Mountains. The RPC enjoys a close relationship with its member communities and federal, state and regional partner organizations in the fields of transportation, land use, environmental planning, public health, housing, and economic development.

The ideal candidate will have a background in urban planning at the municipal or regional level, experience with municipal land use boards, elected officials and municipal staff, and a familiarity with transportation and environmental planning. The Regional Planner will provide services directly to municipalities and land use boards and commissions including application and plan review, ordinance and regulation development, master plan preparation and work with other RPC staff on a variety of land use, transportation, economic development and environmental projects. Applicants must have excellent verbal and written communication skills and be comfortable preparing and delivering public presentations. Availability to attend evening meetings is required. The RPC fosters a work environment that encourages continued professional development in an atmosphere that promotes a healthy work/life balance.

Qualifications: A bachelors or master’s degree in Urban or Environmental Planning or a related discipline and at least three to five years of relevant professional work experience, a valid driver’s license and reliable transportation. Attendance at evening meetings is required. Hourly salary range of $27.00 to $35.00 per hour will be commensurate with experience and qualifications.

To apply, submit a cover letter and resume to Annette Pettengill at This position will remain open until filled or the recruitment is cancelled. The RPC is an equal opportunity employer.

2019-11-04 - Join Us for the 2019 RPC Legislative Forum: The Case for Public Transit (11/13 in Hampton)

Please join us for the 2019 Rockingham Planning Commission Legislative Forum. We sponsor this annual forum so municipal officials and Rockingham Planning Commission (RPC) commissioners can meet informally with our legislative delegation to discuss issues important to the communities. The 2019 Forum (agenda) will be held on November 13, 2019 and focused on “The Case for Public Transit.”

RPC has assembled a panel of experts to discuss community and regional transit needs. Taylor Klocke, Communications and Legislative Specialist with the Community Transportation Association of America (CTAA), will lead off with a national perspective on the outlook for federal Transportation Reauthorization legislation and CTAA’s recommendations for changes to help rural and small urban areas address growing transit needs. She will also offer insights on how other small states are addressing growing senior transportation needs. Scott Bogle, Senior Transportation Planner, will follow, summarizing the statewide transit needs assessment RPC is completing with New Hampshire’s transit providers. Rad Nichols, Executive Director of COAST, will bring the discussion to the local level with a summary of their new route system, retooled to address rider and municipal needs identified through a year-long Comprehensive Operations Analysis. He’ll also speak to the ballooning demand for paratransit services mandated under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and COAST’s financial future.

2019 Legislative Forum -The Case for Public Transit

Wednesday, November 13, 2019
6:00 – 9:00 PM
Unitil Headquarters

6 Liberty Lane West | Hampton, N.H

The Case for Public Transit: Panel Discussion

  • Taylor Klocke, Communications and Legislative Specialist - Community Transportation Association of America (CTAA)
  • Scott Bogle, Senior Transportation Planner - Rockingham Planning Commission (RPC)
  • Rad Nichols, Executive Director - Cooperative Association for Seacoast Transportation (COAST

2019-10-02 - Regional Drinking Water Source Assessment & Workshops: Registration Now OPEN

Rockingham Planning Commission is seeking to help municipalities take proactive steps to protect local drinking water sources. Our workshop series will focus on vulnerabilities and protection for drinking water sources in the region and review local protection options.

October 23, 2019 - 6:30 PM

Hampstead Town Hall

11 Main Street | Hampstead, NH

October 28, 2019 - 6:30 PM

Stratham Town Hall

10 Bunker Hill Avenue | Stratham, NH

October 29, 2019 - 6:30 PM

Regional Economic Development Center

57 Main Street | Raymond, NH

Workshops are FREE, however, registration is requested.Register at:

Who should attend?

Select Boards, Planning Boards, Conservation Commissions, Water Commissioners, Public Water System Operators, Health Officers, Watershed Associations, and anyone who is interested in protecting drinking water!

For questions, please contact:

Jennifer Rowden,RPC Senior Planner | 603-658-0521

Drinking Water Resources Maps and Assessment Reports to be posted shortly at:

This project is funded by NH Department of Environmental Services Local Source Water Protection Grant.


2019-10-01 - NH Flood Hazards Handbook - Just Released!

Learn how to improve community resilience to future floods

The New Hampshire Silver Jackets Team announces the release of the NH Flood Hazards Handbook, a new guide designed to help community officials prepare for, respond to, and recover from floods. The handbook includes guidance, best practices, and information about available federal and state resources organized into situation-specific sections: Before the Flood, During the Flood, and After the Flood. Also included is a customizable Flood Response and Recovery Checklist that can be used by municipal officials to identify and manage priority activities when a flood event does happen.

Municipal officials are encouraged to download a copy of the handbook from the NH Silver Jackets Team website at and learn how it can help them improve their community’s resilience to future floods.

The NH Silver Jackets is a state-led team formed in 2015 which brings together state and federal agencies to focus on flood risk management issues that affect NH communities. The team includes representatives from over 15 agencies and programs.

New Hampshire Floodplain Management Program

[Environment][Land Use]

2019-09-05 - Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day

Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day for residents of the Towns of: Exeter, Stratham, Newfields, East Kingston, Epping, Seabrook, and South Hampton

Saturday, Oct 19 8am-1pm
Exeter Public Works Garage
$10 suggested donation per vehicle to help offset disposal costs

For complete info, click this link for flyer:


2019-08-19 - Fall 2019 Land Use Law Conference

The New Hampshire Municipal Association (NHMA) and the New Hampshire Office of Strategic Initiatives (OSI) will be co-hosting the Fall 2019 Land Use Law Conference on Saturday October 5 at the Holiday Inn in Concord. The full day workshop is intended for municipal officials with an interest in or responsibility for municipal land use regulation including members of planning and zoning boards, planners, land use administrators, select boards, town and city councilors, building inspectors, code enforcement officers and public works personnel. Registration is $100 and will open Tuesday, August 20th. Registration includes continental breakfast, lunch, and program materials.

View agenda here:

Register here:

[Land Use]

2019-08-05 - August 2019 Newsletter

RPC August Newsletter:

2019-08-02 - ​Heavy Demand for Transportation Options in 2019 CMAQ Round

June 14 was the deadline to submit letters of interest for the 2019 round of federal Congestion Mitigation/Air Quality (CMAQ) program funding administered by the New Hampshire Department of Transportation (NHDOT).

Twelve letters of interest were received from four MPO (Metropolitan Planning Organization) member municipalities and five other agencies for projects in or directly impacting the Rockingham MPO region.

In aggregate these letters request $13.18 million in federal funding with a total project cost of $20.6 million. Statewide 30 letters were received requesting $22.98 million in CMAQ funding.

This compares to the pool of approximately $13.5 million federal dollars available statewide for the two-year funding round. Proposed projects in the RPC region included transit service and fleet replacement, rail siding upgrade, rail trail and multi-use path construction, electric vehicle charging stations, school zone complete streets improvements, and traffic signal coordination.
Full proposals will be due September 6th, with regional rankings developed in September and October, and statewide project selection announced by

Contact Scott Bogle at the RPC with any questions: or 603-658-0515.
More info about the CMAQ program at


2019-07-12 - July 2019 Newsletter

Access the RPC's July e-news by clicking this link:

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