Important Documents
The Rockingham Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) is responsible for conducting the federally required continuing, cooperative, and comprehensive “3C” metropolitan transportation planning process for the 26 communities in the Rockingham Planning Commission region. To do so, the MPO works the general public and local, regional, state and federal planning partners to develop long and short-range plans, policies, and priorities to guide local decision making on transportation issues.
The MPO is the transportation policy-making organization for the region. It is made up of representatives from local government and transportation authorities, including the NH Department of Transportation, Federal Transit Administration, Federal Highway Administration and the Nashua Transit System. The purpose of the MPO is to administer the federal transportation process and ensure that investments in transportation projects and programs are based on a continuing, cooperative, and comprehensive (“3-C”) planning process. The MPO must successfully administer this process in order to acquire and spend Federal money on transportation improvements.