Phone: 603-778-0885
Fax: 603-778-9183


2017-11-27 - Local Update of Census Addresses Operation (LUCA) Webinar - 12/6

As part of the Local Update of Census Addresses Operation (LUCA), the US Census Bureau is hosting a webinar on 12/6 from 1-3 PM for communities to learn about participation in the LUCA program.The LUCA program provides the only opportunity for tribal, state, and local governments to review and comment on the U.S. Census Bureau's residential address list for their jurisdiction prior to the 2020 Census. Registration link:

2017-11-27 - Transportation Project Viewer and Traffic Counts Now Available!

Transportation Project Viewer: RPC’s Transportation Project Viewer was recently released as part of the 2017 update to the Long Range Transportation Plan. This Viewer enhances the ability of communities and citizens to find projects in the region. This interactive web map and other transportation information can be found on the Long Range Transportation Plan webpage.

Traffic Counts: RPC’s traffic count program supports state and regional decision-making by providing annual traffic counts. RPC’s Traffic Count Viewer allows communities and citizens to view this historical information in a web map. This count data can be used to determine crash rates, find volume trends for various locations, and support project selection. The map can be found on the Maps and Data webpage.


2017-10-11 - 2017 Legislative Forum

RPC hosts an annual Legislative Forum on topics of interest to legislators, commissioners and municipal officials. The 2017 Forum, being held on November 8, will focus on water resource issues from the regional and local perspective, along with specific areas of concern. More details and registration information is available on the Legislative Forum page and below.

2017 Legislative Forum

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

6:00 - 9:00 PM

Unitil Headquarters

6 Liberty Lane West - Hampton, NH



Please RSVP by November 1, 2017 to Roxanne Rines or call 778-0885

2017-10-05 - 2016-2017 UPWP Performance Report Completed

The UPWP Performance Report summarizes the progress that the RPC has made in implementing both the broad goals and specific tasks outlined in the FY 2016 - 2017 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) covering the MPO region. It is submitted to comply with federal Metropolitan Planning Regulations and to provide communities, MPO Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) and Policy Committee members, and the public a report of progress on transportation planning projects and initiatives that the MPO has undertaken for the region. Over the course of the 24 months of the UPWP, the MPO spent approximately 16,400 hours undertaking 129 of the 164 identified work tasks and products and approximately $1.16 million of Federal and Local funds. In conducting this work, the MPO expended a greater than budgeted number of personnel hours (101%) while spending only 99% of the funds available for the two years. Some highlights of the work undertaken include the following:

  • Substantial Progress on a full update to the Long Range Transportation Plan (Expected adoption October, 2017)
  • 5 TIP Amendments and 24 administrative adjustments
  • Updated unified statewide project prioritization process and project selection criteria for the State Ten Year Plan
  • 1000 hours in support of 16 Transportation Advisory Committee and 10 MPO Policy Committee meetings
  • 600 Hours of Technical assistance 23 Technical Assistance Projects for MPO Communities and development impact review for 9 communities
  • 1500 hours in support of transit planning and technical assistance regional transit providers.
  • Over 5,000 Hours of mapping and data analysis work
  • 1200 hours of stream crossing data collection in 12 MPO communities.
  • 900 hours in support of regional bicycle and pedestrian planning
  • 1400 Hours in natural resources coordination, livability, and climate change related work.
  • Continued Regional Vulnerability Analysis for storm surge and sea level ris

The full report can be viewed on the UPWP Performance Reports page.


2017-09-12 - State Ten Year Transportation Plan Public Hearings Schedule

GACIT Hearings are being held around the State.

The schedule for the Governor's Advisory Commission on Intermodal Transportation (GACIT) public hearings on the draft Ten Year Plan has been released. Regional hearings include Kingston (9/18) and Hampton (10/16) however there will also be hearings in nearby Londonderry (9/14), Newmarket (10/12), and Dover (10/15). The full schedule is on the NHDOT Ten Year Plan website.


2017-09-12 - Public Comment Period on RPC Title VI/Non-Discrimination Plan

The RPC MPO announces its intention to adopt an updated Title VI/Non-Discrimination Plan. A 15-day public comment period begins Tuesday, September 12, 2017 and concludes Wednesday, September 27, 2017. Download Draft Document.

[Public Notices][Transportation]

2017-09-08 - Public Comment Period on RPC MPO 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan

September 8, 2017 - October 11, 2017

The RPC MPO announces its intent to adopt the 2018-2040 Long Range Transportation Plan for the MPO’s 27-town region. A 30-day public comment period for these documents begins Friday, September 8th, 2017 and concludes with a public hearing to solicit public comment scheduled on Wednesday, October 11th, 2017. Download Draft Document.

[Public Notices][Transportation]

2017-08-01 - MS 4 Stormwater Technical Assistance Grants Available

Applications due 8/25/2017

MS4 Stormwater Technical Assistance Grants Available. RPC is now offering grants to assist municipalities with preparation, compliance and implementation activities for the MS4 Stormwater Permit. Applications are due by 8/25. For more detail or to apply visit the Grants and Funding page.


2017-07-22 - RPC's New Director Announced

RPC is pleased to announce that it has appointed Timothy Roache of Stratham, NH to be the agency’s next Executive Director beginning August 1. Mr. Roache will be responsible for overall management of the agency and will work with the Commission’s highly experienced staff, its Executive Committee and community representatives on policy and strategic planning initiatives. He will succeed Cliff Sinnott who announced last February that he is retiring at the end of July, after serving as RPC’s Executive Director for nearly 30 years. The full press release is available on RPC's News page.

[Press Releases]

Showing posts 141 to 149 of 149