Phone: 603-778-0885
Fax: 603-778-9183


2019-01-14 - Notice of 30 Day Comment Period and Public Hearing

2019-2022 Transportation Improvement Program and 2045 Plan

Notice of Comment Period and Public Hearing for the 2019-2022 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and 2045 Long Range Transportation Plan (Plan)

The Rockingham Planning Commission (RPC) announces its intent to adopt two documents:

  • The 2019-2022 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). This document is developed by RPC, regional transit agencies, and NH Department of Transportation and includes a prioritized list of transportation projects to be implemented over the next four years
  • The Amended 2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (Plan). The Plan is a document developed by the RPC that includes a set of transportation projects that can reasonably be expected to be constructed within the region over the next 20+ years.

A 30-day public comment period for the TIP and Plan documents begins Monday, January 14th, 2019 and concludes on Tuesday February 12th, 2019. A public hearing to solicit public comment is scheduled for Wednesday, February 13th, 2019, at the Kingston Community Library in Kingston, New Hampshire (2 Library Lane) beginning at 7:00 PM. The Planning Commission will meet after the public hearing to adopt the documents.

Consistent with the RPC’s Public Participation Process, this notice and comment period is also intended to meet FTA requirements for public comment on the programs of transit projects put forward by NHDOT, UNH and the COAST and CART transit systems.

Copies of the TIP and Plan, will be available the offices of the Rockingham Planning Commission offices, on the RPC website at, and will be sent to interested parties by request. Comments on the draft TIP and Plan can be submitted via the MPO’s public involvement site located at Alternatively, mailed and e-mailed comments will also be accepted through February 12th, 2019 until 4:00 PM and may be addressed to:

Rockingham Planning Commission

156 Water Street

Exeter, NH 03833

Email: with 2017-2020 TIP/Plan in the subject line

[Public Notices][Transportation]

2018-12-19 - 2018 Annual List of Obligated Projects Published

$63 Million in federal funds dedicated to transportation projects in the region

“Obligated” projects are those that the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) or Federal Transit Administration (FTA) have committed to reimbursing a share of the cost of construction or implementation. Pursuant to Federal Regulations in CFR §450.332, Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPO’s), as the entities responsible for maintaining the metropolitan transportation planning process, must make public an annual listing of projects for which federal transportation funds were obligated in the preceding fiscal year. These are generally projects that have been recently completed, are under construction, or are nearing construction, where federal transportation funds have been officially committed with a signed project agreement. The full report contains additional detail regarding these projects however some highlights include:

  • $ 50.5 million dollars in Federal Highway funds committed in the RPC region in 32 contracts addressing bridge, roadway, bicycle, and pedestrian oriented projects.
  • $ 12.5 Million in Federal Transit funds committed to COAST, CART, and UNH Wildcat Transit to support their operations and capital needs.
  • $18.9 million obligated towards the replacement of the Sarah Mildred Long Bridge between Portsmouth, NH and Kittery, ME.
  • $17.5 million obligated in the RPC region facilitating continued work on the I-93 expansion from Salem to Manchester.

Notice is hereby given that, acting in its capacity as the MPO for its planning district, the Rockingham Planning Commission has published its 2018 Annual Listing of Obligated Projects and made it available to be viewed and downloaded on the RPC website, For more information, contact David Walker, Assistant Director, at the Rockingham Planning Commission, 156 Water St., Exeter, NH 03833; 603-778-0885 or email at

Additional detail on the Annual List of Obligated Projects

2018 Annual Listing of Obligated Projects

[Press Releases][Transportation]

2018-11-05 - Regional Impact Subcommittee will meet to discuss Lonza Expansion at Pease Tradeport

The Regional Impact Subcommittee of the Rockingham Planning Commission will meet at 4:00 PM on November 5th at the Exeter Public Library to discuss the proposed expansion of Lonza facilities at the Pease Tradeport as per the NH RSA 36:54-58 established process. As explained in RSA 36:54-58, a determination of regional impact affords the abutting communities and the regional planning commission the status of abutter. It is also an opportunity to broaden the scope of review and in doing so, gain additional input and technical support in the review of large, complex development proposals and evaluate potential effects on inter-municipal agreements. During this meeting, the subcommittee will hear a presentation on the proposal, as well as concerns from abutters and the general public. RPC will provide findings from the review and the meeting to the host community to aid in its review of the project. Further RPC guidance can be found on the RPC Regional Impacts webpage.

Agenda - 11/5/2018 Developments of Regional Impact Subcommittee

[Land Use][Public Notices][Transportation]

2018-10-15 - RPC 2018 Legislative Forum - Growing Younger: Reversing Demographic Trends in NH 11/7 from 6-9 PM in Hampton

Rockingham Planning Commission hosts an annual Legislative Forum on topics of interest to legislators, commissioners and municipal officials. The 2018 Forum is scheduled for November 7, 2018 and will focus on shifting the demographic trend towards a younger population. RPC sponsors this annual forum so municipal officials and RPC Commissioners can meet informally with our legislative delegation to discuss issues important to the communities.

This year’s forum is on “Growing Younger: Planning to Reverse the Demographic Trends in New Hampshire.” RPC has assembled a panel of experts to share their insights as we plan for the future of our communities. Please join our conversation as we consider the regional challenges and opportunities related to accommodating an aging population while attracting and retaining a talented and professional workforce. The panel presentation will be followed by a conversation to address questions and share additional ideas. As in the past, we will hold the forum at Unitil corporate headquarters in Hampton.

Please RSVP by November 1 to Annette Pettengill at 603-778-0885 or

2018 Legislative Forum

Growing Younger: Planning to Reverse the Demographic Trends in NH

November 7, 2018 - 6:00- 9:00 PM

Unitil Headquarters - 6 Liberty Lane West, Hampton NH


Draft Agenda

Growing Younger: Panel Discussion

  • Setting the stage: Current Demographic Trends in New Hampshire
    • Ken Gallager, Principal Planner Office of Strategic Initiatives.
  • Reversing the Trend: How to Attract and Retain a Vibrant Talented Workforce
    • Will Stewart, Stay Work Play NH
  • Planning for a Younger Future: Age Friendly Communities
    • Sylvia Von Aulock, Southern New Hampshire Planning Commission

2018-09-21 - 2018-2019 NH Planning and Land Use Regulation Handbook Orders Due 10/22

It is once again time to submit orders for the 2018-2019 edition of the NH Planning and Land Use Regulation Handbook.

The three options are:

  • The book alone - $8.00
  • The book plus an attached CD version of the content - $15.00
  • The book plus the code to download an e-version of the book - $15.00

If you need to reference how many books you ordered last year, and what options, you may view the following PDF: 2017 Book Orders.

Please submit your orders no later than Friday, October 19, 2018.

For questions about orders and payment, please contact Annette Pettengill at or 603-778-0885.

2018-09-15 - Celebrate Great Bay and Hampton Estuaries during National Estuaries Week, September 15-22!

RPC is celebrating by sharing a refreshing tale and photos of the beauty and bounty that NH’s estuaries hold by David O’Hearn, Exeter-Squamscott River Local Advisory Committee member and long-time user of the river and Great Bay.


David O’Hearn,

Exeter – Squamscott River Local Advisory Committee

The last season's baiting of the lobster traps was done today. Next week the traps go to dry dock. The catch was poor with only five keepers coming home but that usually happens when we get the hard running tides of last week. My last two traps were so full of bottom debris I struggled getting them over the gunnel.

The tide was right for clamming and picking oysters though. Got a peck of clams and a limit of oysters. The oysters were just lying on the ground after the tide went out. It was unreal. Lots of big oysters and I targeted those. The amount of spat (young oysters) sticking to every rock and every shell in the bed was very encouraging.

I miscalculated how far I brought my boat ashore. Had a little time on my hands until the tide returned.

It was a good day to be a Bayman. I hit the trifecta.


2018-09-10 - RPC's David Walker Promoted to Assistant Director

The Rockingham Planning Commission (RPC) is pleased to announce the promotion David Walker of Exeter NH to be Assistant Director beginning September 10. The RPC is one of nine regional planning commissions in the State and provides regional land use, transportation and community planning services to 27 southeastern New Hampshire municipalities.

Mr. Walker will provide support for overall management of the agency and will work with the Commission’s highly experienced staff, and community representatives on transportation and land use planning initiatives. For the last 18 years Mr. Walker has served as the Commission’s lead Transportation Planner and Transportation Program Manager. Prior to joining the Commission Walker worked as a Transportation Planner in Mariposa County, California for three years.

Tim Roache, Executive Director of the Rockingham Planning Commission, said “the Commission is truly fortunate to have Dave Walker on staff. His institutional knowledge and deep technical knowledge of transportation and regional planning work is critical as we navigate challenges the region faces today.”

As a long tenured employee with the Commission, Mr. Walker is already familiar with the Rockingham Planning Commission, as well as the challenges facing the Commission’s member communities. “I am excited to expand my role within the commission as we collaborate with our local, regional, state, and federal planning partners to address community development issues and initiatives.”, Walker commented.

David received a Bachelors. of Political Science from the University of Vermont and a Master of Urban and Regional Planning from the University of Hawaii. He joined the Rockingham Planning Commission in 2000 and was promoted to the Transportation Program Manager in 2010. Dave primarily works on the development and management of the Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP), agency transportation planning documents such as the Long-Range Transportation Plan and Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), strategic documents such as the Congestion Management Process (CMP) and corridor studies, and technical assistance to communities in the region. Dave lives in Exeter with his wife and three children.


The annual household hazardous waste collection for residents of Exeter, Stratham, Newfields, East Kingston, Epping, Seabrook and South Hampton will be held on Saturday, Oct. 20, from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Exeter Public Works Garage on Ne

The annual household hazardous waste collection for residents of Exeter, Stratham, Newfields, East Kingston, Epping, Seabrook and South Hampton will be held on Saturday, Oct. 20, from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Exeter Public Works Garage on Newfields Road (NH 85).

This is a great opportunity for residents of these communities to conveniently and safely dispose of their unwanted hazardous household materials which, if discarded improperly, could threaten drinking water supplies. Each household can dispose the equivalent of 10 gallons of waste. There is no charge, although a donation of $5 per household is requested to help offset collection costs.

An event flyer and more information is available on the RPC's Household Hazardous Waste page.

What’s Accepted

The following waste will be accepted: antifreeze, asbestos, brake fluid, carburetor cleaner, cell phones, creosote, drain cleaners, engine degreaser, fluorescent light bulbs, fungicides, furniture polish, gasoline, herbicides, insect sprays, kerosene, mercury, metal polish, muriatic acid, oil-based paint, paint thinner, pesticides, photo chemicals, pool chemicals, rechargeable batteries, rodent poisons, rust remover, solvents, wax polish, and wood preservatives.

Car batteries and waste engine oil will be accepted for recycling. Lead sinkers, now banned for use in New Hampshire waters, will also be accepted.

What’s Not Accepted

Materials that will not be accepted include ammunition, esters, ethers, explosive materials, gas cylinders, infectious and biological wastes, prescription medicines/syringes and radioactive materials, as well as materials whose content cannot be determined. Electronic equipment will not be accepted, but information on where electronics can be dropped off will be available.

Materials commonly—although incorrectly—thought to be hazardous also will not be accepted. For example, alkaline batteries made after 1996 can be safely thrown away in the regular household trash, so they won’t be accepted here. And latex paint will not be accepted because it is not considered hazardous or toxic once it solidifies. To safely dispose of latex paint in the regular trash, first open the can lid and allow the paint to dry thoroughly (or mix it with cat litter until it thickens).

No waste of any kind from commercial businesses or from residents of other communities will be accepted.

This hazardous waste collection is jointly funded by the towns of Exeter, Stratham, Newfields, East Kingston, Epping, Seabrook and South Hampton and organized by the Rockingham Planning Commission. More information is available from the following individuals:

  • Rockingham Planning: Tim Roache, Executive Director, 778-0885
  • Town of Exeter:Russell Dean, Town Manager, 778-0591
  • Town of Stratham:Paul Deschaine, Town Administrator, 772-4741
  • Town of Newfields:Christopher Hutchins, Board of Selectmen, 772-5070
  • Town of East Kingston:Cheryl Hurteau, Town Office Manager, 642-8406
  • Town of Epping:Gregory Dodge, Town Administrator, 679-5441
  • Town of Seabrook:John Starkey, Public Works Manager, 474-9771
  • Town of South Hampton:Angela Racine, Town Administrator, 394-7696


2018-08-27 - NHOSI 2018-2019 Zoning Amendment Calendars

NH Office of Strategic Initiatives (NH OSI) has release the zoning calendars for 2018-2019. The calendars are available below and additional details information is available at OSI's Resource Library under Zoning Amendment Calendar.


Traditional Town Meeting

Official Ballot ("SB2") Town Meeting

2018-08-10 - OSI 2018 Legislative Update Summary

A summary of planning-related legislative amendments from 2018

With the conclusion of the 2018 Legislative Session, the Planning Division of the Office of Strategic Initiatives (OSI) provides the following summary of planning-related legislative amendments. These are summaries; please review the source bills for their complete language, linked below and also available here. Additional municipal legislative updates from the 2018 Session may be found in NHMA’s Final Bulletin, 2018 Session.

Many of the changes from 2018 may impact Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals procedures; this is a good time to review and revise local Rules of Procedure as appropriate.

For more information, please contact: Michael Klass, Principal Planner (; 603-271-6651) New Hampshire Office of Strategic Initiatives.

Showing posts 101 to 110 of 149