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Long Range Transportation Plan

The Long Range Transportation Plan serves as the 20+ year transportation planning document for the Rockingham Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO). The Plan contains the region’s adopted policies, goals and objectives and specific project proposals to improve the transportation system through the year 2050. It is in compliance with the Fixing America's Surface Transportation (FAST) Act (current federal transportation authorizing legislation), and the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 (CAAA). This plan is a product of a continuing, cooperative, and comprehensive planning process, which considers all surface transportation modes and supports metropolitan community development. The plan reflects the goals and objectives of member communities in their own master plans and policies, of the New Hampshire Department of Transportation (NHDOT) in its Long Range Transportation Plan, as well as those established by the RPC via the Regional Master Plan and the MPO process.

NEW: 2050 Plan: 2025 Update

The Long Range Transportation Plan is being updated to maintain consistency with the Transportation Improvement Program. This update includes the 2025-2028 TIP, the full list of Long Range Projects and the accompanying fiscal constraint analysis for the document. In addition, some minor technical updates are expected. A 30 Day Public Comment period began on February 7, 2025 and will conclude on March 10, 2025. A public hearing will be held (Date and Location To Be Announced) followed by the MPO Policy Committee voting to approve the 2050 Long Range Transportation Plan update. A zoom option for participation will also be available.

Draft 2050 Long Range Transportation Plan

Long Range Transportation Plan Notice of Comment Period and Public Hearing

The preferred method for public comments on the Draft 2050 Long Range Transportation Plan is through Public Input, available here:

Public Input Portal: Draft 2050 LRTP and 2025-2028 TIP

The Draft Plan Appendices are available here:

Appendix A - Fiscal Constraint Report (Draft)

Appendix B - System Performance Report (Draft)

Appendix C - Plan Frameworks & Guidelines (Draft)

Appendix D - Public Involvement Summary (Draft)

2045 Plan: 2021 Update

The Long Range Transportation Plan was updated to maintain consistency with the Transportation Improvement Program. The update includes the 2021-2024 TIP, the full list of Long Range Projects and the accompanying fiscal constraint analysis for the document. In addition, some minor technical updates were completed, including incorporating some basic assessment of the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the regional transportation system. A 30 Day Public Comment period began on February 8, 2021 and concluded on March 9, 2021. A virtual public hearing was held on Wednesday, March 10, 2021 via zoom followed by the MPO Policy Committee voting to approve the 2045 Long Range Transportation Plan.

Recording of the Public Hearing and Meeting on YouTube

Full LRTP as Adopted (3/10/2021)

Individual Chapters

Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: Planning Framework

Chapter 3: Existing Conditions

Chapter 4: Current Trends and Future Conditions

Chapter 5: The Constrained Transportation Plan

Chapter 6: Implementation Strategies

Draft Versions

Draft 2045 RPC Long Range Transportation Plan - Full Red Line Version

Draft 2045 RPC Long Range Transportation Plan - Clean Version

2045 Plan: 2019 Update

The 2019 Update of the Long Range Transportation Plan accomplishes two things. First it brings the planning horizon in line with the other New Hampshire MPOs as agreed upon as part of the Interagency Consultation Process. Second, it updates the project lists to address the current TIP (2019-2022) and full list of Long Range Projects allowed by the later horizon Year as well as the accompanying fiscal constraint analysis for the document.

A 30 Day Public Comment period began on January 14, 2019 and ended on February 12, 2019. A public hearing was be held on Wednesday, February 13, 2019 at the Kingston Public Library followed by the MPO Policy Committee voting to approve the 2045 Long Range Transportation Plan.


Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: Planning Framework

Chapter 3: Existing Conditions

Chapter 4: Current Trends & Future Conditions

Chapter 5: The Constrained Transportation Plan

Chapter 6: Implementation Strategies

DRAFT 2045 RPC MPO Long Range Transportation Plan (Full Document - 10.4 MB)

2040 Plan: 2017 Update

The plan examines current and projected regional conditions. It sets out the region’s adopted goals, strategies for achieving those goals, performance metrics for measuring progress in implementation, and specific project proposals to improve the transportation system through the year 2040.

Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: Planning Framework

Chapter 3: Existing Conditions

Chapter 4: Current Trends & Future Conditions

Chapter 5: The Constrained Transportation Plan

Chapter 6: Implementation Strategies

2040 RPC MPO Long Range Transportation Plan (Full Document - 10.4 MB)

For more information please contact Scott Bogle at Rockingham Planning Commission at (603) 658-0515.

Transportation Project Viewer

In order to assist with locating projects, RPC has created an interactive web map of the STIP, STYP, and other projects within our region.

Clicking the below image will open this interactive map in a new tab.

Transportation Project Web Viewer Application