The Transportation Alternatives Program is one of the main sources of federal funding available through NHDOT that communities can access to improve sidewalk networks, bicycle routes, rail trails and other safety improvements for people walking and riding bicycles.
TAP is a reimbursement program wherein communities can access up to 80% federal funding for local projects. Project sponsors must provide a minimum of 20% non-federal matching funding.
The overall purpose of TAP is to foster non-motorized transportation infrastructure that is safe, in good physical condition, accessible, and capable of reducing traffic congestion. TAP awards will range from a minimum of $400,000 ($320,000 Federal) to a maximum of $1,250,000 ($1,000,000 Federal) supporting projects, although communities can use local or other funding sources for more expensive projects.
In October 2024 NHDOT published the request for proposals for Round 5 of TAP funding. Applications were due by January 24, 2025 and NHDOT received 30 applications statewide including one from the RPC region – a sidewalk and crossing safety project from the Town of Exeter downloadable below:
Exeter Front Street/Railroad Avenue Pedestrian Improvements
Note that in order to receive TAP funding, municipalities must appoint a project manager who is a town/city employee to complete training on NHDOT’s Local Public Agency (LPA) grant management process. An LPA certification workshop is anticipated for April 2025. See NHDOT’s Local Public Agency (LPA) Certification page for more information.
For further information contact Scott Bogle at ( or 603-658-0515; or go to the