Phone: 603-778-0885
Fax: 603-778-9183


Public transportation plays an important and growing role in addressing the mobility, traffic congestion, and air quality issues facing the RPC region. The number of communities in the region served by transit has increased in the past ten years, from five to six; and ridership on all forms of transit has seen dramatic growth in response to rising fuel prices and growing transit dependent populations. Still, fewer than a quarter of the 26 communities in the region are served by public transportation, and significant challenges exist to expanding services, including funding availability at the Federal, state and local level; and low density development patterns making fixed route service inefficient in many towns. RPC works with several public transit providers, as well as non-profit organizations providing service to the region’s growing elderly population and individuals with disabilities, to expand mobility and accessibility options for all residents of the RPC region.

Find out more about transportation services available in the region and how the RPC works with each:

Assessing Transit Needs

In the fall of 2019 RPC staff worked with COAST and other New Hampshire transit providers to develop a snapshot assessment of statewide transit needs with a focus on needs of older adults and individuals with disabilities, but also including capital and operating needs to sustain the state's fixed route and demand response transit networks. That three page assessment report is linked below:

Who Needs Transportation? A Snapshot of Transit Need in New Hampshire?