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Draft Appendix B: System Performance Report2025-2028 TIP

The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is a staged multi-year program of regional transportation improvement projects scheduled for implementation in the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) area over the next four succeeding Federal fiscal years (FY 2025, 2026, 2027, and 2028). It is prepared by the MPO in accordance with joint federal metropolitan planning regulations, 23 CFR 450, issued by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Federal Transit Administration (FTA), U.S. Department of Transportation. The projects identified are prioritized by year and have been selected for funding, as jointly agreed upon by the MPO and the NHDOT.

The TIP must include all transportation projects within the MPO area proposed for federal funding under Title 23 or the Federal Transit Act, as well as any regionally significant project that will require a federal action. Federally funded transportation projects that do not appear on the TIP may not continue towards implementation. Projects listed on the TIP must be consistent with the MPO's Transportation Plan, and the TIP itself must be found to conform to the state's SIP (the State Implementation Plan for air quality attainment). Under conformity rules, "consistent with" the transportation plan is interpreted to mean that TIP projects must be specifically recommended in the Plan.

The TIP is prepared by staff of the Rockingham Planning Commission and is reviewed and endorsed by the Technical Advisory (TAC). Final TIP endorsement is received from the Planning Commission acting as the MPO Policy Committee which is the designated MPO for the Portsmouth urbanized area and a portion of the Greater Boston urbanized area in New Hampshire.

Development of the 2025-2028 TIP

The MPO TIP development process is integrated with the State Ten Year Plan and begins when the Governor signs the legislatively approved Ten Year Plan during the summer of even numbered years. The list below shows the milestone dates for the current cycle beginning with the Governor’s approval. Building off that, NHDOT begins working on assembling a draft STIP from the projects listed in the first four years of the Ten Year Plan along with any other ongoing federally funded or regionally significant projects, and those that are selected through processes outside of the Ten Year Plan such as Transportation Alternatives (TAP) and the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP). An initial project list is released to the MPOs and other planning partners for review and comment culminating with the Interagency Consultation Review. Following the consultation process any final changes or corrections to projects are made and a draft STIP is released along with accompanying fiscal constraint documentation. The MPOs then begin assembling their respective TIPs from the projects in the STIP and preparing for their approval process which is generally completed in the spring of odd numbered years. At the same time, MPO Long Range Transportation Plan project lists and financial plans are updated to maintain consistency with the TIP.

Important Dates in the TIP Development Process

  • August 9, 2024 - Governor Signs the 2025-2034 State Ten Year Plan
  • November 27, 2024 - NHDOT releases draft 2025-2028 STIP project list
  • January 9, 2024 - Interagency Consultation review of draft STIP sets Draft Project List
  • February 7, 2025 - RPC releases draft TIP and starts 30 day public comment period.
  • February 27, 2025 - RPC TAC Meeting to endorse the TIP
  • March 10, 2025 - 30 Day Comment Period closes.
  • March 12, 2025 - RPC Policy Committee meeting to adopt the TIP

The Rockingham Planning Commission has used this opportunity to review, redefine, and if appropriate re-prioritize existing projects in the Ten Year and Long Range Transportation Plan with the goal of developing a comprehensive flow of projects from the LRTP to the Ten Year Plan and TIP. To that end, data was gathered to improve the project planning and development process.We have contacted many communities to discuss projects in the State Ten Year Plan and the response received was that the existing projects continue to be priorities.

Approved Versions

Draft Document and Public Notices

Notice of Public Hearing and 30 Day Comment Period

DRAFT - 2025-2028 Transportation Improvement Program (02/07/2025)

DRAFT - 2025-2028 Transportation Improvement Program with Appendices (02/07/2025)

Draft List of Regional Projects in the 2025-2028 TIP (02/07/2025)

Draft List of Statewide Programs and Projects from the 2025-2028 TIP (02/07/2025)

Draft Appendix A - Fiscal Constraint Documentation (02/07/2025)

Draft Appendix B: System Performance Report (02/07/2025)

Visit the TIP Public Input page to provide feedback on the draft document:

The RPC is concurrently updating the Long Range Transportation Plan

2050 Long Range Transportation Plan