Performance based planning and programming (PBPP) is the application of performance management – using system information strategically to make investment and policy decisions - to the long range planning and programming process. PBPP uses metrics about the transportation system to establish strategic directions; to analyze infrastructure investments, policies and programs, and to evaluate outcomes. Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21) requires for the first time performance based planning and performance management in statewide and metropolitan planning. It also sets seven national goals, requires USDOT to establish related performance measures, and requires States and MPOs to adopt targets based on these measures. As of September, 2015, final rules regarding performance management for MPOs have not been finalized
New Hampshire Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) along with the Department of Transportation (NHDOT), Federal Highways administration (FHWA), and Federal Transit Administration (FTA) have formed a preliminary Working Group to establish and implement performance-based transportation planning in New Hampshire, on both regional and state levels. There are several goals for this effort:
In the future, this portion of the website will feature the MPO Performance Report as well as the details regarding selected MPO Performance measures, metrics, and targets.
FHWA Office of Transportation Performance Management
FHWA Performance Based Planning and Programming