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The Transportation chapter of the Regional Master Plan describes the transportation network of the Rockingham Planning Commission (RPC) region and the current issues and challenges faced in aligning limited financial resources with growing transportation network needs. The overarching goal of the Transportation Chapter is to establish and maintain a modern multi-modal passenger and freight transportation system that has sufficient capacity, is resilient to natural hazards, and is safe, convenient, affordable, and equitable for all users. The transportation system will support sustainable economic growth and development patterns, and foster stewardship of natural, historic, and cultural resources.

Regional Master Plan -Transportation Chapter and Maps.

Transportation Chapter Goals

The following goals reflect these community concerns and priorities and shape the region’s approach to transportation planning.

Goal 1 - Mobility

The region’s multi-modal transportation system offers safe, secure and efficient access to employment, housing, commerce, services, entertainment, and recreation.

Goal 2 – Equity and Accessibility

The region’s transportation system provides adequate, appropriate and equitable transportation choices for all users.

Goal 3 - Land Use Integration

Transportation investments in the region support the Regional Vision and Regional Master Plan goals related to land use, housing, natural resources and other areas; and are aligned with other regional, interregional, interstate and international investments.

Goal 4 - Funding

Adequate and predictable funding is available to meet current and future needs for transportation system maintenance, operation and modernization across all modes.

Goal 5 – System Preservation

Maintenance, preservation, and modernization needs of the existing multi-modal transportation system are prioritized ahead of adding new highway capacity.

Goal 6 -Environmental Linkages

The region’s transportation system is resilient to climate change, natural, and other hazards, is energy efficient, and minimizes adverse impacts to natural and cultural resources.