Phone: 603-778-0885
Fax: 603-778-9183


2022-01-27 - Public Comment Period for 2021-2024 TIP Amendment #3

Public Hearing at 2/9/2022 RPC MPO Meeting

The Rockingham Planning Commission (RPC), as the federally designated Metropolitan Transportation Organization (MPO) for the region, announces its intent to amend the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) to account for scope, schedule and cost changes to projects. The TIP is a prioritized list of federal and state funded transportation projects cooperatively developed by NH DOT and representatives RPC communities and currently includes projects with work scheduled from fiscal years 2021 through 2024. This update helps maintain consistency with State project programming documents and the RPC Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP). Copies of all documents are available on the RPC public engagement portal linked at as well as the RPC website at Copies will also be mailed to interested parties by request.

A public comment period for the Amendments begins Thursday January 27, 2022 and concludes on Tuesday, February 8, 2022. A public hearing to consider the changes and any received comments is scheduled for Wednesday February 9, 2022, beginning at 7:00 PM at the Stratham Town Offices, 10 Bunker Hill Avenue, Stratham. There is an option to participate in the meeting Zoom webinar (connection information below). Please check the public engagement portal or the RPC website for the most up-to-date information on how to access the meeting. The Planning Commission will meet after the public hearing to adopt the changes to the TIP.


  • As of July 20, 2013, all of New Hampshire is unclassifiable/attainment for the 2008 8-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards (the 2008 ozone standard) and as of April 6, 2015, the 1997 8-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard (the 1997 ozone standard) is revoked for all purposes, including transportation conformity purposes in the Boston-Manchester-Portsmouth (SE) NH area.
  • Consistent with the RPC’s Public Participation Process, this notice and comment period is also intended to meet FTA requirements for public comment on the programs of transit projects put forward by NHDOT, UNH and the COAST and CART transit systems.

Comment Period Start Date

January 27, 2022

Comment Period End Date:

February 8, 2022

Public Hearing Date/Time:

February 9, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Public Hearing Location:

Stratham Town Offices, 10 Bunker Hill Ave, Stratham, NH

Zoom Webinar Access:
Webinar ID: 861 4702 3818

Options for Providing Comments

Public Engagement Portal



Rockingham Planning Commission

Attn:David Walker

156 Water Street

Exeter, NH 03833

[Public Notices][Transportation]

2021-12-22 - The RPC office will be closed to the public until Monday, January 17.

The RPC office will be closed to the public and RPC staff will be working remotely until Monday, January 17 due to the increased rate of Covid-19 in the region.

2021-12-14 - FY 2021 Annual List of Obligated Projects

Federal Transportation funds spent in the MPO Region

The List of Obligated Projects is an annual statement by the Metropolitan Planning Organization detailing the expenditure of federal transportation funds in the region. When the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) or Federal Transit Administration (FTA) obligate funds, the agencies are committing federal resources to a specific transportation project, grant, or transit system. While obligations do not line up exactly with active construction of roadway projects, they do provide insight into what projects are being prepared for construction (engineering and design), are in construction, or have been recently completed. The 2021 Annual Listing of Obligated Projects has been published and details how the $119.7 million of federal funding obligated in the region was distributed to projects, programs, and transit agencies.

[Press Releases][Public Notices][Transportation]

2021-10-13 - Public Comment Period on RPC Title VI Non-Discrimination Program Plan

The Rockingham Planning Commission is updating its Title VI Non-Discrimination Program Plan. A copy of the draft document may be found on the RPC website at Comments and input regarding the draft Title VI Program are welcome and will be accepted for a period of 30 days from October 15, 2021 through November 15, 2021. Comments or questions may be submitted to the RPC at or 603-658-0515.

[Public Notices][Transportation]

2021-10-06 - RPC is Hiring! We're Seeking a Part-Time Office Administrator

Office Administrator / Part-Time

The Rockingham Planning Commission (RPC) is seeking a part-time administrative assistant to support office activities. Responsibilities include providing administrative support to ensure efficient operation of the office. Supports managers and employees through a variety of tasks related to organization and communication. In addition, this position will be responsible for:

  • Maintaining contact database
  • Producing and distributing correspondence documents, plans, letters, and electronic newsletters
  • Updating the website and social media outlets
  • Assisting in the preparation of project plans and reports
  • Organizing and scheduling meetings and taking minutes at one evening meeting per month

The ideal candidate for this position has at least three years of experience. Proficiency with MS Office is essential as well as a strong familiarity with managing contact data through MS Access and MS Outlook. Experience with web content management and social media is desirable.

The schedule is flexible and offers up to 16 to 20 hours with one evening meeting per month. Compensation will be commensurate with experience

The commission fosters a work environment that is both personally and professionally fulfilling and encourages continued professional development in an atmosphere that promotes a healthy work/life balance. To apply, submit a cover letter and resume to Annette Pettengill, RPC, 156 Water Street 03833 or to This position will remain open until filled or the recruitment is cancelled. The RPC is an equal opportunity employer.

2021-07-01 - Public Comment Period and Hearing for 2021 TIP Amendment #1

The Rockingham Planning Commission (RPC), as the federally designated Metropolitan Transportation Organization (MPO) for the region, announces its intent to amend the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) to account for scope, schedule and cost changes to projects. The TIP is a prioritized list of federal and state funded transportation projects cooperatively developed by NH DOT and representatives RPC communities and currently includes projects with work scheduled from fiscal years 2021 through 2024. This update helps maintain consistency with State project programming documents and the RPC Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP). Copies of all documents are available on the RPC public engagement portal linked at as well as the RPC website at Copies will also be mailed to interested parties by request.

A public comment period for the Amendments begins Thursday July 1, 2021 and concludes on Tuesday, July 13, 2021. A public hearing to consider the changes and any received comments is scheduled for Wednesday July 14, 2021, beginning at 7:00 PM at the Stratham Town Offices, 10 Bunker Hill Avenue, Stratham. There is an option to participate in the meeting via a call-in phone line (number below). Please check the public engagement portal or the RPC website for the most up-to-date information on how to access the meeting. The Planning Commission will meet after the public hearing to adopt the changes to the TIP.


  • As of July 20, 2013, all of New Hampshire is unclassifiable/attainment for the 2008 8-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards (the 2008 ozone standard) and as of April 6, 2015, the 1997 8-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard (the 1997 ozone standard) is revoked for all purposes, including transportation conformity purposes in the Boston-Manchester-Portsmouth (SE) NH area.
  • Consistent with the RPC’s Public Participation Process, this notice and comment period is also intended to meet FTA requirements for public comment on the programs of transit projects put forward by NHDOT, UNH and the COAST and CART transit systems.

Comment Period Start Date

July 1, 2021

Comment Period End Date:

July 13, 2021

Public Hearing Date/Time:

July 14, 2021 at 7:00 PM

Public Hearing Location:

Stratham Town Offices, 10 Bunker Hill Ave, Stratham, NH

Call-in Phone Line: 1-800-764-1559
User/Pin Code: 4438

Options for Providing Comments

Public Engagement Portal



Rockingham Planning Commission

Attn:David Walker

156 Water Street

Exeter, NH 03833

[Public Notices][Transportation]

2021-06-29 - RPC 2021/2022 Budget and Work Program Highlights

I think we can sum up FY2021 with “the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry”. With the arrival of COVID-19 last March the resilience of our region was challenged. We were forced to rapidly pivot to a new normal: remote learning and working, no gyms, no theaters, closed restaurants and record unemployment.

We shuttered our doors and rapidly adapted remote working technology for our staff, commissioners, and member communities. We advanced our work program and provided our members with resources to support their planning needs in these uncertain times. Through our partnership with the Town of Exeter, the RPC worked to provide our communities with information to access relief funds. We worked with local and state officials to reopen beaches and support outdoor dining. Perhaps most importantly, as region we learned, adapted and became more resilient.

Our 2021/2022 Work Program highlights some of this past year’s work, a summary of our proposed budget for FY2022as well as a look ahead at some of the work we will take on as a region in the upcoming year.


Tim Roache,

RPC Executive Director

2021-05-06 - ​NH Planning Commissions Announce Statewide Model Drinking Water Buffer Regulation and Workshop on May 24

NH Planning Commissions Announce Statewide Model Drinking Water Buffer Regulation

New Hampshire - Rockingham Planning Commission (RPC) and Strafford Regional Planning Commission (SRPC) are pleased to announce that as part of a joint effort, a model buffer regulation for communities to consider adopting to help protect local sources of drinking water will be available soon.

Funding from a 2020 NH Department of Environmental Services Local Source Water Protection grant was awarded to the Rockingham Planning Commission to develop a statewide model Drinking Water Quality Buffer Regulation for New Hampshire. The model will be helpful for a community considering how to protect surface water used as a source of drinking water. This model reflects guidance and feedback from local and statewide experts including the Model Drinking Water Buffer Regulation Advisory Committee, and other technical studies. The model recommends a minimum drinking water quality buffer based on these studies and offers guidance for considering landscape level and site-specific criteria to increase the minimum buffer, when appropriate, to provide increased protection for water quality.

The creation of this model is timely. For decades it has been recognized in New Hampshire that changes in land use and land conversion, alteration of drainage patterns, and loss of protective riparian areas have led to a decline in water quality. These stressors include population growth, alteration to natural landscape functions for commercial, residential, and industrial purposes, and climate change impacts such as drought in recent years. As development pressures continue, it will be imperative that communities work collaboratively to act, which include maintaining natural, vegetated buffers that protect valuable drinking water resources and may help improve water quality when implemented.

The planning commissions will be presenting the final draft model Drinking Water Quality Buffer Regulation to regional and statewide stakeholders at a workshop being held on Monday, May 24, 2021 from 2:00-4:00pm. All NH municipalities and stakeholders are welcome to attend this free workshop which will be held via online video conference. An invitation, registration information, and workshop agenda will be widely distributed and posted soon to the project website (see below).

For more information about the project, May workshop, and to view the draft model and other project resources please visit the project’s webpage.


Julie LaBranche

Senior Planner, RPC

Kyle Pimental

Principal Regional Planner, SRPC

[Press Releases]

2021-05-05 - RPC Newsletter - May 2021

In this month's newsletter, bike to work month, trail passport, B2B challenge, Model Drinking Water Buffer, aquatic resource funds, and more!

2021-05-03 - Seacoast Bike/Walk Month 2021

How about some time outside? Events around the region!

Spring is here but COVID lingers on. Are you back to a worksite? Still working from home balancing Zoom meetings and kiddo coverage? There’s probably never been a more important time to get outside in nature, decompress and enjoy some fresh air. What better way to do that than with a few fun activities for Seacoast Bike/Walk Month in May? Although we’ve had to postpone our in-person bicycling events again this year, there are still several activities planned to get you and your family outside in a safe and socially distanced way. Check out the calendar of events for Seacoast Bike Month at and


Showing posts 21 to 30 of 149