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RPC Annual Meeting

June 12th, 6-9pm


Join us at The Galley Hatch in Hampton for RPC's 2019 Annual Meeting, featuring guest speaker John T. Broderick Jr.
"Changing the Culture of Mental Illness: It's Way Past Time"

Wednesday, June 12th 2019, 6-9pm

The registration for this event is $35 (covers the cost of your meal)

Please RSVP by June 5, 2019 by clicking here.

The Evening's Events:
6-7pm Hors d'Ouevres/Cash Bar
7-9pm Dinner, Annual Business Meeting & Awards, and Guest Speaker

Learn more about the speaker and topic by clicking here.

As community planners we at RPC strive to empower healthy, connected towns and cities in southeastern New Hampshire. Through strategic and thoughtful planning, communities can provide all citizens with a place to live, access to transportation, and opportunities to reach local services. Concepts like complete streets and mixed-use zoning allow towns and cities to be better connected for travel by foot, bike, or public transit. Well-designed communities support all residents including those who struggle with physical or mental disability and/or substance abuse disorders.

As we work to empower our communities with the tools and resources they need to serve their citizenry we need to keep in mind the real challenges so many of our residents face today. As part of our community planning process, it is incumbent on RPC to help advance the conversation and raise awareness of the mental health crisis in our State. We are honored to host John Broderick, former NH Supreme Court Chief Justice and current Co-chair of the Campaign to Change Direction NH. Justice Broderick will share his family’s deeply personal story of mental illness and the innovative efforts New Hampshire is taking to raise awareness and eliminate stigmas related to mental illness diagnosis and treatment.