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RPC Opens Public Comment Period for 2019 TIP, Amendment #4

Virtual Public Hearing Scheduled for May 13, 2020


A 10-day public comment period for Amendment #4 to the 2019 TIP begins Saturday, May 2, 2020 and concludes on Tuesday, May 12, 2020. Due to the State of Emergency declared by Governor Sununu as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and in accordance with Emergency Order #12 pursuant to Executive Order 2020-08, following the public comment period, a virtual public hearing to review comments and solicit any final feedback regarding Amendment #4 to the TIP and Plan has been scheduled for 7:00 PM on Wednesday May 13, 2020. The Planning Commission will meet after the public hearing to consider and adopt the revisions. The Chair of the RPC has found that, due to the State of Emergency declared by the Governor, RPC is authorized to meet electronically. Please note that, pursuant to the Governor’s Emergency Order, there is no physical location to participate in this meeting. RPC is engaging commissioners via a Zoom virtual meeting while the general public can participate via the RPC public engagement portal. Further information is available in the public engagement portal and on the TIP Amendments page of the RPC website.

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