Rockingham Planning Commission is a voluntary public organization established under state law (RSA 36:45-58) which is funded by, sustained by, and tied directly to local governments. It is run by representatives appointed by its member municipalities. These representatives (Commissioners) set Commission policy, make monetary decisions, and decide what work the Commission will get involved in. Commission membership is voted on at town and city council meetings in the individual municipalities served and maintained through the payment of an annual dues assessment.
Commissioners serve two primary functions:
Additional information about Commissioner Appointment Procedures and the RPC Commissioner Handbook are available under Resources at the bottom of this page.
Current List of RPC Commissioners (2025):
First Name | Last Name | Full Name |
Mike | Turell | Town of Atkinson |
Doug | Finan | Town of Brentwood |
Doug | Marino | Town of Brentwood |
Edward | Warren | Town of East Kingston |
Heather | Clark | Town of Epping |
Gwen | English | Town of Exeter |
Langdon | Plumer | Town of Exeter |
Roger | Barham | Town of Fremont |
Leanne | Miner | Town of Fremont |
Bob | Dion | Town of Greenland |
Dennis | Malloy | Town of Greenland |
Alan | Davis | Town of Hampstead |
Susan | Hastings | Town of Hampstead |
Ann | Carnaby | Town of Hampton |
Barbara | Kravitz | Town of Hampton |
Mark | Olson | Town of Hampton |
Sharon | Mullen | Town of Hampton alt. |
Andrew | Brubaker | Town of Hampton Falls |
Richard | McDermott | Town of Hampton Falls |
Peter | Merrill | Town of Kensington |
Glenn | Coppelman | Town of Kingston |
Robin | Duguay | Town of Kingston |
Randy | Bryan | Town of New Castle |
Mary Ann | Driscoll | Town of New Castle |
John | Hayden | Town of Newfields |
William | Meserve | Town of Newfields |
Christopher | Cross | Town of Newington |
Denis | Hebert | Town of Newington |
Jim | Doggett | Town of Newton |
Jay | Chabot | Town of North Hampton |
Shep | Kroner | Town of North Hampton |
Darrell | Britton | Town of Plaistow |
Jay | DeRoche | Town of Plaistow |
Tim | Moore | Town of Plaistow |
Peter | Britz | City of Portsmouth |
Deaglan | McEachern | City of Portsmouth |
Beth | Moreau | City of Portsmouth |
John | Tabor | City of Portsmouth |
Tom | King | Town of Rye |
Phil | Winslow | Town of Rye |
John | White | Town of Sandown |
James | VanBokkelen | Town of South Hampton |
Lucy | Cushman | Town of Stratham |
Joseph | Johnson | Town of Stratham |
The Commission maintains several standing committees to facilitate its organization and operation. These are not required by statute, but are specified in Article XI of the RPC Bylaws. Standing committees include:
Rules of procedure governing the scope and function for Standing Committees are established in the Commission Bylaws as well. Standing Committees are subcommittees of the Commission, and subject to certain general operating procedures established in the bylaws. In addition, all standing committees of the RPC are subject to applicable provisions of RSA 91-A “Access to Governmental Records and Meetings”. Unless otherwise defined in the bylaws, all standing committees are advisory to the Commission.
In addition to the committees listed above, all Commissioners serve as members of the Rockingham Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), along with members from state and local transportation agencies, to advise on regional transportation planning. For additional information, visit the About the MPO page.